What We Have Learnt from Being A Middle Schooler at ISBe

As a middle schooler, my class and I have learnt many new things. Let me start with Science! In science we all have been learning about cells, something that we have never learnt before. We also saw cells through a microscope. It was so cool!
In Social Studies, we were divided into two groups, each of which had a different ancient civilisation, Ancient Egypt and Ancient China, we had had freedom to vote for which topic we want to learn about, all the boys went for Ancient China, and all the girls went for Ancient Egypt COINCIDENCE! Anyways, we had to skim and scan to
our allocated text and then answer the questions in the workbook. After checking our understandings, each group was divided into SMALLER groups, each of which had to explain the GRAPES (Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics and Society) for our Ancient civilisations. We had to answer different questions for each section in GRAPES. Here is a presentation on Ancient China:Ancient China GRAPES and Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egypt GRAPES.
In Art, we made our own online exhibition with our art in it, you can see that here.
In English, we have been reading a novel called a ‘Christmas Carol’. We learnt new vocabulary words and spellings. Recently, we also learnt about Urban legends, Sagas and Mini Sagas.
A Saga is a long story of heroic achievements, especially a medieval narrative of Scandinavian history. Nowadays, we use the word to refer to a long story detailing a hero’s adventures.
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
Magic School Bus
Captain underpants
Harry Potter
Flamingo boy
An Urban legend is a short popular tall tale spread orally or written as if it was true.
We look forward to the next few years as middle schoolers at ISBe!
By: Aarushi and Vrushab (Class 6)