The Secondary Section Stories – 09/09

A strong start to the year as everyone gets back into a productive routine and makes the most of the opportunities before them. Let’s see what they have been up to:


We have welcomed a new cohort of class 6 students into middle school who are overcoming the challenges of settling into a new system. They are staying positive judging from the smiles on their faces and tackling any difficulties head on. Next week, they start their first IMYC – International Middle Years Curriculum unit. “Adaptability” will be their launch pad for this exciting learning adventure.


Other middle schoolers in class 7 and 8 seemed to have grown over the vacation and have returned a taller and more mature version of themself. It is amazing how quickly time passes – it only seems like yesterday when I just started at the school when our current C8 were still in primary and now they are completing their final year in middle school.



Our high schoolers have been busy from day 1, either starting a new program or entering their final and exam year of the program. While IGCSE and IBDP both require academic dedication and hard work, we also acknowledge that students in all four class levels, need to find a healthy balance between academics and other interests. We encourage them to be involved in activities (competitive or leisure) within ‘The Arts’, Sport or other clubs. An active body helps support an active mind which will enhance overall achievements.

Already C10-12 have undertaken some training to do with map navigation and other outdoor pursuits in preparation for their Duke of Edinburgh trip next week.


It was great to see our students excited about being on site, catching up with their friends and engaging with their learning. Welcome to our new families – I think you will enjoy the ISBe community.


Some upcoming dates to remember:



Friday 9  – Aartselaar Cross country 

Monday 12 – Friday 16 – Student Council interviews

Thursday 15 – Saturday 17 – Duke of Edinburgh Taster Trip

Tuesday 20 – House leader elections

Saturday 24 – PA welcome for new families

Monday 26-Friday 30 – Campaign week for Student Council President


Karen Relf

Head of Secondary