The Secondary Section Stories – 01/07

What a fantastic year 2021-22 has been, with our students showing their skills and talents; dedication and enthusiasm; and their absolute love of learning. The secondary department has not only grown in size but the students have grown into mature, considerate and passionate individuals who have performed well as a team of both peers and teachers.

We have ended the year on such a high note, with students being involved in multiple activities.


Firstly we acknowledged student achievements at our awards ceremony: academic, cultural, creative, leadership and sporting.



The student council arranged a secondary dance party that had all secondary students and some staff showing off their dance moves and creating one big mosh pit to bounce around in.



Sports Day had students competing in their class levels and showing off their skills in running, throwing and jumping events.



We ended the year with two amazing trips to two different locations in the Ardennes area. Both trips focus on adventure and team building, where students challenged themselves to step out of their comfort zones and engage with unfamiliar activities, situations and people. The students did themselves proud and as you can see, had a lot of fun doing it…….


Finally, congratulations also to the Dragon House, our Victors for 2021-22.



Thanks to the amazing secondary staff who worked hard to give your children amazing opportunities this year. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. To those students who are leaving us, I wish you well and to everyone else, I look forward to working with you again next year.


Dates ahead:

Orientation Day – Tuesday 30 August

Day 1 of school for all students – Wednesday 31 August


Karen Relf

Head of Secondary