The Primary Section Stories- 9/10

Last week Early Years were able to go on a fantastic visit to the park to study Autumn and Class 1 and Class 2 have visits coming up in the next few weeks. Keep an eye open for their reports in the newsletters and on Social media. Please note that we are checking our visit venues for coronavirus precautions and putting in additional steps ourselves to ensure that protocols are securely in place. 
Class 3 performed at last week’s assembly and shared their ideas  about having a positive attitude in many situations and not giving up. Research has shown that one of the key aspects of academic success is being resilient and having ‘grit’ in order to keep going even when things are difficult. So this was a very important message for them and the other children present.
Today class 2 shared their presentation relating to their IPC unit ‘Footprints in the Past’ and is about Dinosaurs. The students explained what a dinosaur was, spelling the word DINOSAUR with an example of a dinosaur for each letter and telling us what they ate. Some were carnivores and some were herbivores. They also roleplayed a paleontologist and showed some fossils that they had made while they wore their dinosaur crowns and feet. To round things off they played 2 songs, using their prehistoric musical instruments that they made with Ms Nichols.
Well done to both classes!
We have received some lovely book donations for the school library. Thank you to everyone who has sent them in so far. If you still have books you would like to send into school they will continue to be accepted.
Most classes in Primary are now introducing an additional reading instruction time called ‘Guided Reading’. The students work in small groups with the teacher reading a text and rotate each day. The other groups are doing vocabulary, comprehension and other book related activities to support their reading or writing.  So far the feedback has been positive in school. Your children may have told you about it.
Wednesday the 14th October is our virtual Primary Coffee morning. Please keep an eye open for the invitation links in the next day or so.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Short