MUN 2021

This year’s MUN conference was another great success! Our four chairs and assistant chairs did a fantastic job of leading their committee sessions, and as we had a two-day conference this year, our delegates were able to prepare for the debates through lots of discussion and research. 


The topics were chosen by the chairs this year, which was a great development in making this year’s conference an even more student-led event than it already was. These were the topics for this year:

  • Economic and Social Committee: Strategies to improve primary education around the world 
  • Human Rights Committee: Ensuring the right to privacy in the digital age 
  • Security Council: Ensuring safe conduct around the use of biological weapons 
  • Health and Youth Committee: Addressing the negative effects of the pandemic on the world’s youth 


On the second day we even received a special visit from political correspondent Teri Schultz. As she covers all the major international institutions in her everyday job, she was able to provide delegates valuable insights into the complex workings of the United Nations. She debated alongside the delegates and asked critical questions about the resolutions proposed. 

Our delegates questioned, amended and debated the resolutions with a sense of passion and commitment. Every year we choose a ‘best delegate’. This person stands out as being respectful and a good communicator. This year’s best delegates were

  • Ish (Class 10) for the Economic and Social Committee
  • Fagun (Class 10)  for the Human Rights Committee
  • Navya (Class 8)  for the Security Council
  • Nivaan (Class 6) for the Health and Youth Committee