House News …

House news…

The House competition is in full swing with Houses points streaming in and House activities taking place. As recently as last week, the school held its second House Pride Day of the year, this time choosing to compete against each other in two categories: loudest chant and best dressed in a 70s/80s theme. The clear overall winner for both events was the Unicorns! Well done to everybody who gave it their all and showed tremendous House spirit. 

Meanwhile in December, Unicorns organised a middle school/senior school escape room competition, testing the lateral thinking skills of team participants. This time it was the Dragons who came out on top, earning valuable points for their House. Next week it is the Phoenix’s turn to show off their organisational skills as their planned event takes place when teams once again compete against each other, the focus this time being a sporting one; on 24th January, House teams will compete against each other at dodgeball, while on the 26th January, senior school students will compete at spikeball. Will Joshua Smilkstein and Shrey Van of Phoenix House reign supreme for the third year in a row? This remains to be seen!