The Primary Section Stories 29/09/2023

The Primary Section Stories 29/09/2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Over the last two weeks we have been electing our student representatives to help with the smooth running of the school and to ensure students have a way of contributing to our school development. This year for the first time we will have house representatives in Primary. We want Primary to be more involved in house activities and to have clearer communication channels. The house reps have been selected from Class 5 and they are:-

For Unicorns – Anagha and Ishan, for Phoenix – Penny and Srujan and for Dragons – Naren and Kia.

Well done to them!

We also held the Primary Student Voice elections. These were followed up with interviews with staff before places were confirmed. The Student Voice members until January are:

Class 4 Pratika and Shrey
Class 3 Prisha and Tilak
Class 2 Ekantika and Kailash
Class 1 Vidish and Vaishnavi

Class 5 Student Voice Members will serve the whole year as they also work with the Secondary student council and they are Avaan and Satvik.

We are pleased to announce that the school student President is Jordan from class 12 and Meghna from class 11 is the vice president. 

Congratulations to everyone who participated and put themselves forward for the roles and ‘well done’ to those who were elected. We were able to make the announcements at our whole school assembly this week.

Last week we held a PEACE day assembly on Thursday led by Ms Saachi and class 2. They really explained all the ways we can seek and support peace in our lives. They sang a song about peace and introduced us to a peace pledge, which the whole of Primary school signed up to. 

The pledge and its lovely words are part of this newsletter.

On Friday 22nd September it was the annual local school’s cross country event. It is a tough one for all of our students but each year we see our stamina and fitness improve so that we can compete on an equal basis with the other schools. All of our students who participated showed excellent sportsmanship and resilience, which made us very proud, and we even had quite a few students placed in the races. Please see Mr Gabor’s article for more information.

Today Class 5 and Ms G shared their entry point for their new unit ‘Mission to Mars’ in assembly. They had the lovely idea of setting up a travel agency and trying to tempt us with some exciting trips… to space! Their recommended locations included amongst others the moon and venus as well as the star (or planet) of the show, Mars. Well done class 5  you had done some great research.

If you would like to read more about class 1 and what they have been up to – Click here!

Also find below the letter we have received from SEBAC-Nepal about the construction of Clean Drinking Water Supply Schemes at sindhupalchowk district of Nepal:

October the 5th Is teacher’s day in Belgium so if your children would like to make a card for their teacher that is a good day to do it. October 11th is House Pride day and students should wear clothes in their house colours (not PE Kit) or even bring in a special costume. We had some fantastic phoenix last year, perhaps we could have some dynamic dragons and unique unicorns this time round. That evening we hope to hold a primary parent workshop all about how we mark work and give feedback to students. We will share the link soon.

 Have a great weekend everyone and we will see the students on Monday.


Very best wishes,

Sharon Short

Head of Primary
Safeguarding Leader.
+32 (0)3 271 09 43