The Secondary Section Stories – 14/05

Another short but great week in secondary with students active in a range of activities and learning, in and outside the classroom.


With covid restrictions lifting slightly, we were able to start some offsite excursions this week and class 6 and 7 we able to venture locally to Schoonselhof. Here students enjoyed being outside again to explore the park and cemetery with all it’s world war history. Further excursions are planned for each of the middle school classes related to their Humanities program before the end of the school year.


I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time in classes these past two weeks and there is some amazing work happening. I saw class 6 giving very clear directions in French and showing their understanding of sentence types in English. Class 7 have been working on historical projects and enhancing their Dutch. There are very interesting debates happening in class 8 as they investigate the events leading to WW1 and they are reviewing their science experiments about Salts. Class 9 students have been deconstructing poetry and building polymers in Chemistry. I am always impressed to see how enthusiastic students are about their learning and the creativity of our teachers.


Students in class 10 are working hard to complete school-based assessments as part of new format for IGCSE (following the cancelation of their exams). They have just completed week two of a four week assessment block and showing great commitment to achieve their best.


As part of the transition process, Class 5 students spent most of last Tuesday doing lessons with teachers in the middle school. They were excited about the program and embraced this opportunity to have some new experiences. Now they are really looking forward to next year and the adventures that await them. Parents from class 5 also attended an online workshop about the IMYC or International Middle Years Curriculum that we will introduce in the next academic year in class 6.



A few important upcoming dates:

May 20 – C8 excursion to Waterloo

May 24 – Public Holiday- no school 

May 25 – C7 excursion to Plantin Moretus Museum & C5 transition interviews

May 28  – C10 IGCSE assessments finish


Keep safe and healthy!


Karen Relf

Head of Secondary