The Secondary Section Stories – 10 March 2023

Coming back from the mid term break we were all hoping for some warmer weather but the low temperatures and now some rain and snow are persisting. 


While the weather is not so great, our students continue to work hard and involve themselves in a range of exciting activities. Academically students in class 10 & 12 have finished mocks and orals, and are taking stock of the learning before finals. For the rest of this term, they will review, revise and reinforce concepts ready for exams.


Students in the middle school continue to follow their program of integrating understanding and skills under a multi- disciplinary approach and are able to showcase their learning through entry and exit points. For example, class 6 staged a fashion parade in French to highlight their abilities with understanding fashion and greetings using Frenchas an end to the creativity unit and then face a series of challenges to begin the next unit – collaboration.

We have had an amazing array of speeches this week from students across all grade levels in secondary for the Inter-house speech competition. Based on the topic of what the world will look like in 25 years, there were lots of different points of view, some scary and others optimistic but they all agree climate change, AI and technology will play a major role in shaping this future. Some great speeches and the finalists will present their next speech at Open Day. Congratulations and good luck to Heet C10, Archit C12 & Rahul C10 from Phoenix, Jasmine C7 & Navya C10 from unicorns, Hari C10 and Kadi C9 from Dragons and then our 3 wildcards presenters will be Kashvi C10, Annisha C10 and Panav C12.



This week we all got to wear PJs for the day as part of a team building initiative from the student council. It did feel decadent to be so comfy and relaxed  – I could get used to that. Students also had their official photos taken today so hopefully you have completed your orders. Class 5 have also begun their formal transition into middle school with an escape room activity.



With only three weeks left now until the end of term two, there are some important dates coming up. Firstly, Open Day from 10am-12pm on Saturday18 March is an opportunity for you to see your children in action showcasing a range of activities that they have participated in. The other big event is the Student Led conferences on Friday 31 March where your child will present their learning, some achievements and ways for them to improve moving forward. This is a proud moment for students and having you attend this event will show your support for and interest in your child/ren. A schedule of times is available.


So important dates to remember:



Monday 13 – Friday 17 – Science and Math Week

Saturday 18 – Open Day 101m – 12noon

Tuesday 21 – Music Talent show

Friday 31 – Student Led conferences and End of term 2


Monday 17 – School restarts for term 3


Karen Relf

Head of Secondary