The Primary Section Stories – 30/04

Dear Parents and Carers,

The new term has started off in very good spirits. Everybody was glad to get back to school and was feeling rested and revitalised. The students are very enthusiastic about all of their lessons. The sunny weather has made a difference too.

Please remember that Monday 3rd May is a public holiday and there is no school that day.


Several classes have started new units this term. Please have a look at the report from EY Reception about their beach experience. The IEYC organisation commented on what a great activity Mrs Harwood arranged. EY have also started rehearsing for their show which will be videoed and sent out to our community. Mr Nick’s class have been ‘helping’ to make the scenery, related to their new unit ‘The stories people tell’. They are focussing on stories about farms.

Several of our classes made a special effort for Earth day last week too.


Class 1 is evolving from ‘Our World’ into ‘Green Fingers’. They will be focussing on the process of how things grow. Class 2 is looking at people who made a difference. They are already very interested in Neil Armstong and his moon mission. Class 3 is very keen to investigate further about space in their new unit ‘Time, place, Earth and Space’ as well. Class 4 will start with a science theme in their unit ‘Look, Hear!’. This also has a focus on ‘international mindedness’. Finally class 5 are doing a detailed study of maps in their latest unit. I have been very impressed with some of the freehand maps I have seen already.


On Wednesday 5th May, classes 1 and 2 will be going to the indoor ski slope for a snowboarding experience with special coaches. They will need to be dressed warmly. This is a follow-up to the snowboarding training they did in PE last term. It should be an amazing experience and we cannot wait to see the pictures.


On Wednesday 5th May at 6.00pm we will be having another parent information evening.

The subject this time will be ‘How to support your child with homework.’ We are sure you must have lots of questions about this and during or after our short presentation we would like you to write the questions you have in the chat box so that we can answer them at the end. Please note the meeting is aimed at parents not children.


The zoom link is


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 974 9263 3657

Passcode: 865243


We look forward to seeing you all there.


On Friday 7th May we are having a House pride day. Unfortunately due to covid rules we have not been able to have all the wonderful events that our house captains would have liked to have run, so this will be a big event in classes. The children should come to school dressed in their house colour. This is not a PE kit event, they should wear something different. Snacks will be provided by the house teams but children should bring their usual lunch to school.


On the 9th May it will be Mother’s day in Belgium. We hope you will be delighted with any small items the children have made for their mothers and praise them highly for their efforts.

A final note. EY Reception has recently done a unit on Superheroes. Last week we had a brief power cut in school and the lights went off. One of the children in the class said ‘Oh no! Mrs Harwood has lost her super powers.’ We had a good chuckle over that.


I hope you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing all of the students again on Tuesday.


Sharon Short

Head of Primary

Safeguarding Lead