The Primary Section Stories – 23/10

Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you to everyone who joined our Primary Coffee mornings. It was a little bit of trial and error but we hope you enjoyed the opportunity to watch the children share some of the things they have learned recently. Some classes shared snapshots of the things had they prepared for our weekly assemblies  as part of this. We were very proud of the classes who were waiting for their turn as they were so quiet and patient, as well as the children who were participating at the time.
Have you asked your children about their music lessons lately? So many children are singing around the school it is fantastic, whether it is a new song they have learned in the actual music class, a song they have learned in Dutch or French or just something they have heard. Singing is such an emotional activity that it really helps in these times of Covid difficulties. Really praise your children if they are singing at home and join in with them to relieve depression stress. 
Class 1 did a marvelous job with their assembly last week. They had really practised hard and remembered what they needed to say. They deserve all the more appreciation because it was their first official primary assembly ever. Well done class 1.
I was able to accompany Class 2 on their trip to the museum to look at the dinosaur bones and other evidence from the past. They had a marvelous learning experience and impressed the museum staff with their exceptional knowledge about dinosaurs, fossilization and paleontology. Some of the dinosaur skeletons were enormous. The Class behaved very well and I know their teacher, Ms Alina, felt very proud when she received compliments about them.
Unfortunately the trip we had planned for class one this week had to be postponed due to the changed Covid restrictions. We hope we will be able to reschedule it in the future as it complements the learning with their unit ‘The Magic Toymaker’ so well.
I am giving you advance notice of the Primary virtual evening workshop at 6pm on the 18th November. This will also be through Zoom. It is a very important meeting and I would like all parents to be there and will be taking a login register. The subject will be ‘Safeguarding’ and I will be explaining about how our teachers are trained, what is considered abuse in Europe and explain the schools obligation to report any concerns to the authorities. I will also be able share some positive behaviour management strategies when dealing with children. Please make sure it is in your calendar and look out for the link nearer the time. 
Mrs Short