The Primary Section Stories – 14/05

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had some busy weeks of learning these last two weeks. I have seen some amazing work by the students. I spent some time in class 5’s art class with Mr Bob, we have a lot of talent there. I have been impressed by the level of Dutch in class 2 and class 4 and some of the best Dutch speakers are quite a surprise. It is always a pleasure to go into any class and see what the students are doing and I have visited all classes at least once over the past two weeks.


Class 1 and 2 had an amazing experience at the ski slope in Wilrijk on Wednesday. Their confidence and consideration for each other was astounding. I am sure you have already seen some of the pictures posted in our social media. I know everybody had a wonderful time including the teachers.

Thank you to everybody who attended the primary parent workshop on Wednesday the 5th May. We had a really good turn out and lots of questions. It came out of the meeting that parents would like more paper based homework. As a staff we are meeting next week to work out how best we can achieve this.


It was fun to see all the children in their house colours on Friday. Many of them really went to town. They always ask me which house I belong to but I have to explain as one of the school leaders I belong to all three in order to be fair.


We hope that all you Mums had a lovely mothers day and that you liked your gifts. THe children really worked hard to make them and came up with some lovely messages showing their appreciation of all you do.


Today we had class 1’s fundraiser event. It was fantastic. The children were so well organised, the activities were such fun and the prizes were enticing. Thank you to all the families that supported their children with the event and to Ms Saachi for organising it and Ms Irina for supporting them. Business was booming all day and the children did a great job of tidying up afterwards. We are awaiting the donations from secondary on Monday to add to the final figure but I think we will be astounded.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing all of the students again on Monday.


Sharon Short

Head of Primary

Safeguarding Lead