The Primary Section Stories – 12/11

I hope everyone enjoyed their half term break. The time flew by so fast.

In these last few days we have had quite a lot going on. The Diwali celebrations were delightful!

The children looked fantastic in their traditional or celebration clothing. We were able to have a primary assembly on Tuesday. Suhaani and Mithi from Class 5 shared information about Diwali and then asked the children some questions. Children shared how they celebrate Diwali at home. Ms NIchols taught us a short song relating to Diwali with hand actions and some Hindi words. It was all very good. After assembly the classes took turns to see the Diwali decorations the PA had put in the entrance hall. 

Early years focussed on Diwali all week as part of their IEYC unit ‘Celebrations’. They made highly decorated diyas and rangoli patterns and enjoyed it all immensely.


On Friday we had another celebration assembly. This time for Remembrance or Armistice day. This time we had a slightly more social and emotional feel to the assembly as we thought about how people who are the victims of warfare feel in certain situations. We finished off by standing for one minutes silence showing respect for those who have made sacrifices for the rest of us. We have had poppies and wristbands on sale in reception this week to raise funds for retired servicemen and women.

Today the weather has dropped another few degrees. Please make sure your children have gloves if they need them. We had some very cold hands today when we were outside.


On Wednesday 17th November we have another Parent Workshop. This time to talk about our school policy and actions regarding Anti- bullying. This is in the middle of our Anti-bullying week. On Monday all primary children are asked to wear Odd Socks in support of this.


The link for the meeting is below. We hope to see many of you there. Once again, the meeting is aimed at parents not children, so there is no need for your children to be present.  

Join Zoom Meeting


Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead.

Sharon Short

Head of Primary