‘Sherlock Holmes and a Nasty Case of Nastiness’ Show

This year’s school show ‘Sherlock Holmes and a Nasty Case of Nastiness’ wrapped on Friday 10 June
with the titular hero ultimately solving the case and saving the world from bad jokes and exploding
students. Inspired by the deadly sins as well as the comedy greats from the past 40 years, it was a
lighthearted show but put together as professionally as possible so that the students got a real taste
of the process involved and how theatre is created. It was a huge team effort from CCP Drama who
had been rehearsing since January, ably supported by classes by 5 and 6. The intensive three day
rehearsal period at Aartselaar CC paid off and the cast and crew presented a great show full of fun,
drama, music and (I believe) most importantly, laughter. I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did.
Thank you to them for their patience and hard work and a huge shout out to the teachers who
worked on the show. It would not have been possible without you!