Settling into Early Years Foundation – By Mrs Harwood

There are many new faces in our class this year which means we have new friends to play with and a very busy, energetic atmosphere in the room. We are all getting to know each other and taking time to feel comfortable and secure in our surroundings.  

Those who are ‘old hands’ at being in our school are helping out the newcomers by guiding them around and assisting them with the routines and daily tasks. 

I’ll also mention that the classroom has been newly painted and is looking very nice in a calming shade of pale yellow, there are also some great new resources for the children to discover. So we are all enjoying our new classroom.  

This week we began our first IEYC topic, ‘Going Places.’ Which involved a flight on a magic carpet to the playground to do an obstacle course!  Followed by designing our own patterned carpets. This drummed up huge amounts of excitement for the activities to come.

 So, we are all settling into the year and making new friends along the way. Here are a few pictures of the first days back in school.