How to Minimise The Use of Electronic Devices and Gadgets at Home

We live in an increasingly digital world, surrounded by many different electronic devices and gadgets, such as smartphones, tv, laptops/chrome books, tablets and smartwatches. These devices are obviously useful and it’s important to learn how to properly use them. However, these devices can also become very addictive and children often spend hours playing or interacting with these devices. Especially for children and adolescents, whose brains are still fully developing, these devices can start to take over their lives.  It’s also important that children are taught how to use these devices in a responsible way. As a parent, we need to be mindful that we don’t substitute devices for teaching our children important skills such as memorisation, reading, writing and social communication.

Here, I will share a few ideas on how we can reduce the use of electronic devices. 

Children will copy what you do
Children learn from what they see. They will mimic your behaviors and habits. So be mindful of your own use of electronic devices and set a good example. When you have finished working on your laptop/chrome book, then put the device away and spend quality time with your children and partner. It’s also a good idea to avoid continuously having your phone nearby as this can also be distracting.


Read books
Buy some books or borrow books from the library or from friends. Read together and show an interest in what your child is reading. Perhaps set up a family book club or with friends where you read books and discuss them together. Take the time to read your child a bedtime story (for younger children) or to read together at bedtime. Make reading a fun family activity. There are also e-books, which offer the advantage of being able to access libraries around the world. However, staring at computer screens can affect children’s eyesight, so it’s best to minimize screen use for reading.

Exercise and sports
As the saying goes: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. Daily physical activity is important for both children and adults. Try to make a habit of doing physical activities together with your children. So instead of playing on the tablet, go for a walk together, or running, swimming, biking, meditation or yoga. There are so many fun sports to choose from. Going to the gym is also an option, but for children outdoor activities (picnic, biking, running, a fun walk in nature) or a football, badminton or cricket game are better for their physical and emotional development.


Play games
Being a parent is tiring and sometimes we give electronic devices to our children to calm them down, so that we can get some peace and quiet. Instead of giving children an electronic device, play a board game together, make a puzzle or do a crossword puzzle together, or do some drawing together. There are many activities that you can do together with your children that will strengthen your relationship with them and where you can both learn new things.

These are some easy strategies that we can all try to incorporate into our daily lives so that we minimise the use of gadgets whenever and wherever possible. 

We can all learn from each other’s experiences. Do you have some thoughts or useful tips on how to reduce the use of electronic devices and gadgets? Then let us know, we’d love to hear from you!

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PTA Team