Flying into Term 3!

As a fun way to start our new unit on the Industrial Revolution, our teacher ordered us to make as many paper airplanes as humanly possible. In order to do this, we had to create a production line in which each of us had a small task to do.
Those that didn’t work fast enough, got fired. Those that complained, had a manager standing over them, watching their every move. We had to imagine doing this for 12 hours straight and it was exhausting. Worst thing is: when the day was finally over, we only got paid two tiny paper clips as a payment for all our hard work!
It made us realise that the amazing developments of the industrial revolution also brought along its hardships. In the coming weeks we’ll learn about the ways in which literature developed in response to these social and economic issues.
Luckily we got a chance to try out our product today! Unfortunately not all products were of the highest quality..
Class 7