Early Years : We Make A Difference!

What a busy and exciting term we had! Here, in our big Early Years family, we have welcomed a lot of new members and hopefully, have made them feel at home. 

Our PSHE ( Personal Social and Health Education) programme is an integral part of learning that enlarges a child’s Emotional and Social Development.  We aim to encourage the skills children need to achieve a growth mindset, a sense of self and others , understanding of staying safe, caring for others, resilience and building relationships. Throughout this term we have learnt how to be good friends, how to listen and respond appropriately, how to manage our feelings and deal with tough situations, how to care for each other and offer a helping hand to those in need. Even if we are small, we know our actions have a big impact on the world around us. Our efforts helped raise an impressive food collection for the people in need and by doing this, we have learnt that we can make a difference, that we are kind and we can help. 

During the anti bullying week we also practised our kindness and showed everybody how easy it is to be a good friend. 

Here is a link to a lovely book related to PSHE. Enjoy!

Stick and Stone by Beth Ferry (Read Aloud) | Storytime | Friendship