Class 7 News Literacy Advice [PART 1]

This pandemic has shown us how easy it is to spread misinformation, whether intentionally or unintentionally, which is why we decided to share some wisdom with you this week about news literacy. 


In part two of this series we’ll share more information about fake news and some tips and tricks on how to detect it. 



Journalists should work together to check their stories before they publish contradicting or confusing information.


Be mindful of fake news and bias.


People should look at the news in the most objective way possible.


Always check out different sites and don’t rely on just one source.


People should try to be critical of the news. They can have their own opinion, but they should be careful about what they believe.


Try to avoid your negativity bias by thinking about the positive side of a story.


Try to look at two or three sources, instead of looking at only one or looking at too many.


Try to look for the middle ground when reading a news story; the truth is somewhere in the middle.


Statistics can still be manipulated, even though they might be factual. Think about the language that is used to present the statistics.


Don’t distrust the news, just be critical!