Class 4’s Space Shuttle Exploration!

In Class 4 these past weeks, we dove headfirst into our second IPC unit of the year: Space Explorers. As our entry point, we created NASA Space Shuttles using these directions from NASA Space Place. Students worked collaboratively in groups of 2 or 3 to create their shuttle out of typical classroom supplies. You could try making one out of food or candy at home! 

We first planned our shuttles and made sure we had all the necessary components thought out. Then, students had to get approval from Miss Mac before getting supplies. This simulated the actual process of planning and approval many space programs and engineering programs use to ensure they use allocated funds wisely. Once students earned approval for their plans, they were allowed to begin building. It was a bit tricky to use only glue and tape, but they thought creatively and problem solved to get their shuttles built. Once finished, the shuttles were photographed and teams had to label them to ensure they turned out like their plans.

See below some photos of the building process and the final results! The space shuttles are now hanging in Class 4’s room, collecting data on our learning! We reflected on the process of collaboration with people we might not normally work with, resiliency when things didn’t work as planned, and being thinkers to plan something they might not have seen in detail before. All of these are IPC personal learning goals and Class 4 is improving on them everyday!

We’re excited to keep learning about space concepts and working hard together. Thanks for reading!

Miss Mac