Chattering in EY Reception!

EY Reception students have been working on the IEYC unit “Chattering Children” for the past weeks. Focusing on a different story every week, we are currently working on the Gingerbread man. 


Learning the song and the story by heart ensures an improvement in students’ speaking skills. Their vocabulary broadens and they become more familiar with new sentence structures. Similarly, they learn from the characters in the story, which helps them connect the situation with their own lives, promoting their imagination too.


Students work on all this through a theme-related sensory bin, to which they always have access in our classroom. Some cloud dough, gingerbread man cutters, pompons and the characters puppets, and we were ready to explore, discover and create our own play using practical life skills. 


Students also crafted their own gingerbread men promoting some fine motor skills. The results were remarkable!


By the end of the week, we create our podcast which we share with all the families so that they can listen to themselves retelling the story at home!


The link to the podcast of this week is: The Gingerbread Man – radio program EY Reception


We hope you enjoy it!