ALL ABOARD! EY Reception is Back!

We would like to extend a big welcome back after the autumn break! 

These previous weeks have been adventurously hectic for the EY Reception.  We finished our second IEYC unit – Loose parts- and kept improving our literacy and maths skills in both close-ended activities and self-directed play. Similarly, our Halloween party was a great success. We enjoyed several games (such as apple bobbing and own-made playdough brains) and the celebration finished with a big snack party.

While we are slipping back into our school routines, we are excited to tackle our next IEYC theme: To the rescue! This will not only revolve around arts and crafts, maths or literacy-related activities like usual, but also we will be dedicating some time to get to know the real superheroes that surround us in our day-to-day life. Becoming real superheroes is how we will develop confidence, practise new skills, and strengthen our interpersonal interactions. We are thrilled to discover how it turns out!

The icing on the cake, students have shone brightly performing different experiments during their STEM Club sessions. Counting on Mr Jay, the science teacher, we have been discovering the magic of darkness and light, halloween spooky potions and their colours, and Diwali’s explosive fireworks. It has been so enriching.